Bethel Sozo Network Nigeria organized its fifth Extended Bethel Sozo in Lagos from 30th April to 5th May, 2018. Bethel Sozo is an inner healing and deliverance ministry that was birthed in Nigeria on June 2015.
There were 3 sessions (morning, afternoon, evening) each day during the Lagos Extended Sozo (30th April – 5th May) 2018. The morning session was from 10:00am – 12:00pm, afternoon session was from 1:15pm – 3:00pm and evening session was from 3:30pm – 5:30pm. The Lagos Extended Bethel Sozo 2018 was held at the Education Hub, City Hall, Onikan, and the Catholic Church, Lagos.
We were excited to have some trained Bethel Sozo First Chairs leaders from the UK, Cameroon and USA join us to Sozo. We had First Chairs from Bethel Sozo Cameroun Ms Bessie Nchenge and Mrs Sherri Lewis, Trish Riley from Bethel Sozo United Kingdom and Trish Walker from United States of America join Mr Femi Bajomo and Dr (Mrs) Mina Bajomo in Nigeria. The Extended Sozo period also provided opportunity for the Bethel Sozo Network Nigeria team of second chairs to practice. The team choose convenient time/day slots and helped in bringing freedom to participants.

A total number of 54 participants (38 females, 16 males) from different church denominations were sozoed during the Lagos Extended Sozo Session. So many people got to know a lot more about Bethel Sozo Ministry, many got their freedom and so many have entered into a closer connection with the God Head and said they felt so much lighter and peaceful inside. We are grateful to God for bringing freedom to so many people during our Lagos Extended Bethel Sozo 2018 week.