Information about the Bethel Sozo Ministry was given at the Kingdom Advance Conference, which took place between 31 March and 2 April, 2016. This has generated a lot of interests and we’ve had many personal Bethel Sozo sessions since then.
The Bethel Sozo Ministry is a unique inner healing ministry that was started at Bethel Church, Redding, California USA. It aims at getting to the root of wounds hindering your close personal connection with God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
Lapis Lazuli ministries showed a series of Bethel Sozo DVDs at two (2) of our resource centres in Lagos. The Bethel Sozo DVDs were shown over a six week period at the centres, with a Bethel Sozo guide for each session. Basic Bethel Sozo Training Manuals were available to participants at the venues. The idea was for one to commit to watching a video once a week over 6 weeks.
The Bethel Sozo DVDs taught participants about the tools used in personal Bethel Sozo, and how by following the Holy Spirit’s leading, wounds and lies that we have believed over the years, can be replaced with Truth from the Lord. This brings inner healing to the person.
The pictures above shows some of the viewing sessions which took place every Thursday in June and ended on the first Thursday in July, 2016. The viewing centres were at our Ikoyi Office and at one of our partner centres at Victoria Island.
Our next viewing sessions will take place in September/October, 2016. More information on this will be on our website soon.
Farewell to Mrs. Trishia Walker
Mrs. Trisha Walker who served as one of our First Chairs and helped to lead the Bethel Sozo Team in Nigeria, has returned to the United States with her family. She was part of our planning committee for our Kingdom Conferences and was also on our planning team for the first Basic Bethel Sozo training conference in Lagos, Nigeria. We will miss her dearly. Lapis Lazuli ministries is grateful for all she did to help set Bethel Sozo up in Nigeria. See pictures below where they were prayed for before their departure.
Lapis Lazuli Ministries team praying with Mrs. Trisha Walker and family.
God Bless,
Dr. (Mrs.) Mina Bajomo
Coordinator Bethel Sozo, Migeria